Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our trust in God is how we got over, and we need that same God to stay over!

This is black history month and we celebrate all the pioneers who paved the way for us. We must admit that we are a strong people who fight our way through, no matter what adversities trials or tribulations we face. The very moment that they count us out and think we're down for the count, is the moment we break through the chains and figure out a new route. This is why I am proud to be part of a people who are strong and endure to the very end. I am proud to be a part of a people who faith is strong and unbreakable. 

I know that we are a chosen people set aside by the all mighty God who loves us. When you look back over our history you can truly see the hand of God over our people. God was the very fabric that sewed our tenacity, strength and perseverance together. Could you imagine serving a limitless God but living a limited life, I totally understand why Martin Luther King Jr. had to stand up and fight. I know that when times were getting rough and he felt like giving up, I could see him opening up his Bible and turning to the scriptures for peace. The awesome thing is when you need encouragement the Bible is a great place to look. 

The word of God is a strong tower the righteous run in and are saved. The word of God tells me that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. The word of God also tells me that the kingdom suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. When you read scriptures that tell you to stand still and see the salvation of the lord,you can be weak but you cannot give up.

This generation must get back to what some of the great pioneers of our people practiced, and that is relying on the word of God. When we rely on his word we must live and practice what it says. The Bible says " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children" ( Hosea 4:6). This generation must understand if we want to get access to the promises of God we must get knowledge of His law in order to qualify. Too many have gone astray from what the pioneers, our grandparents and great grandparents have taught us. 

We must not only gain knowledge of God's laws but live according to His laws. The Bible says faith without works is dead (James 2:14) so it's not just enough to know the laws of God you have to live them. I can hear some asking, "why should we follow the laws of God?, I'm glad you asked! The Bible says "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." ( 2 Chronicles 7:14). Listen people of God, it's Awesome that we can all get together and protest because Black Lives Do Matter! However if we come together and do what the word of God instructs us to do how much more powerful will we be. When we obey God he will fight our battles, and their is no police department, politician or any form of racism that can contend with God!. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Because He Loves Me

Because He Loves Me

I remember when there was a time in my life when Valentine's Day would be such a emotional roller coaster for me. If I was in a relationship I would have anxiety about whether or not he was going to have something special planned; I wasn't in a relationship I would be depressed because I didn't have any one to love on me. My God I tell you it was a roller coaster! I had to sit myself down one day and really ponder what was this really about.

I came to the conclusion that maybe I just wanna be loved; however if that was the answer it did not explain the anxiety because I had people who loved me. My family rocks I know for sure that this group of people truly loves me. Let me tell you a story, my family and I were away in The Dominican Republic, and a mosquito bit me in the face, which caused me to have two pretty big bumps on my face from the swelling. I walked into my mothers hotel room and she looked at my face and if you could of seen the expression on her face; She said to me "what happen to your face!" I replied a mosquito bit me she then says "why did he have to bite you in your face" (wasn't sure how to answer that question) I tell you the truth my Mother was so upset with that mosquito that if she would have found "He" he would of died execution style!.

I tell this story to show how extreme my Mother loves me not even a mosquito is safe when it comes to me. I absolutely do not lack in the love department I have family and friends who I know for sure loves me.

Then I thought maybe I was on this emotional roller coaster because I wanted to feel special. Well I couldn't except that answer either because I did feel special. Actually almost on a regular basis like when I went to the spa or treated myself to a day of shopping. When my family would take me out to celebrate my birthday and lavish me with extravagant gifts (I really loved that part). I felt special when we had girls night out because I was bless to have some really cool chicks in my life. I felt special when I went on vacation which I did often.

I came to the conclusion that I clearly didn't have the answer. However when I gave my life to Jesus and accepted him as my Lord and Savior, my way of thinking changed. I no longer ponder but I took it to the Lord in prayer. It was revealed to me that the way I was thinking was influencing my emotions. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. My thinking was influenced by all the hype surrounded around Valentine's Day. The media and commercialism would have you to think that Love and the act thereof is wrapped up in flowers, candy and gift boxes. When you don't receive any of this you're not special and lack in love . I pray that we all know that's a lie and a trick of the enemy.

Then God said something to me that blew my mind he said "Who could ever love you more then I". I thought about it for minute and I couldn't think of no one. I know that my mother extremely loved me as I mentioned earlier. However God gave up his only son so that I would have everlasting life. Then I thought to myself could my Mother give one of my sisters or brothers to die for me. I know she loves me and would probably give up her own life. However I know she could not make a decision on which child to give up for the next. My answer had to be nobody Lord. God then said to me how can you have anxiety over not having something you already possess?

Listen people of God don't get caught up in the hype of Valentine's Day. The spirit of depression will be going to and fro looking for someone to devour. Don't be it's victim this year but cast him down! I know that there are some single people, recently divorced people and people separated out there. Listen whatever your status is it, is just that your status! It's like when you fill out a form and they ask your status Married, Single or Divorced. The definition of status is - the relative social, professional, or other standing of someone.
Your status does not determined if your loved! The fact is if nobody else loves you God loves you. We should all feel special that we are alive and have the potential to do anything that would make us feel special. We can have love and feel special not just one day but 365 days a year!

I challenge everyone to do something special and love on yourself this weekend or love on someone else. I don't care what your status is do something that makes you feel special!
Remember Always God Loves You!!!!